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Amethyst corresponds to the crown chakra and ajna chakra of the human...
Apatite|Apatite Apatite corresponds to the throat chakra of the human body and...
Blue Chalcedony | Blue Chalcedony Blue chalcedony can harmonize the energy of...
Blue sand stone | Blue sand stone Blue sandstone, also known as...
Blue Lace Agate|Blue Lace Agate Blue agate corresponds to the throat chakra...
The chain-link winding design easily connects the crystals to the bracelet. The...
Cinnabar | Cinnabar Cinnabar, also known as cinnabar, is a traditional ornament...
Smoky Quartz Citrine, a gemstone containing the power of the earth, provides...
Whether you are an office worker or a businessman, we hope that...
Garnet|Garnet Garnet, also known as Garnet , is an energy-rich gemstone. It...
Gold Rutilated Quartz Golden hair crystal is a crystal that has the...
Golden Sunstone|Golden Sunstone Gold sunstone can bring good luck , partial wealth,...
Green Phantom | Green Phantom Green Ghost Crystal is considered a powerful...
Our spiritual abilities of intuition and understanding are our most valuable resources,...
Kunzite | Kunzite Kunzite is a gemstone with healing energy. It soothes...
Kyanite | Kyanite Kyanite corresponds to the ajna chakra and throat chakra...
Prehnite | Prehnite Prehnite, also known as the Stone of Hope, is...
Natural energy high-quality pure bead crystal bracelet, with various effects on health,...
Purple Chalcedony | Purple Chalcedony The energy of purple chalcedony helps purify...
Rhodochrosite | Rhodochrosite Rhodochrosite gently unfolds the energy of the heart chakra....
Rose Quartz|Rose Quartz Rose Quartz corresponds to the heart chakra of the...
Silver Obsidian | Silver Obsidian Silver obsidian corresponds to the Muladhara chakra...
Strawberry Crystal|Strawberry Strawberry crystal corresponds to the heart chakra of the human...
Super seven|Super seven super seven It belongs to the three-wheel backbone crystal...
紅兔毛|Red Rutilated Quartz 紅兔毛(紅髮晶)是髮晶的一種,內含細密的髮絲,如同兔毛一般被稱為紅兔毛水晶。對應人體脈輪的海底輪,能促進血液循環、調整女性荷爾蒙、幫助生殖系統、可改善婦女病、止經痛、氣血調和。紅兔毛代表剛毅、果斷、勇往直前、堅毅不屈的能量,能加強個人信念、自信心、果斷力和激發人體的潛能。另外紅兔毛是財富、權貴的象徵,有助事業運,化是非小人。
紅虎眼石|Red Tiger's Eye 紅虎眼石除了代表勇氣以外,也代表著熱情與生命力,能夠幫助擺脫猶豫不決的性格,也能改善缺乏信心、怯場的情況。紅虎眼石被視為一種護身符,能夠為配戴者帶來平安,具有辟邪擋煞的功效。此外紅虎眼石還有聚財、守財的功效,加強配戴者的自我控制能力,使金錢與財富更容易累積。
綠碧璽髮|Green Rutile Tourmaline 綠碧璽髮晶是有名的財運石,尤其擅長招正財,有助升職加薪、生意順利。綠碧璽髮晶能使頭腦變得清晰、積極進取。並且綠碧璽髮晶對應心輪,有助清理內心的負面情緒,改善人際關係,更容易結交貴人。
藍虎眼石|Blue Tiger's Eye 藍虎眼石也被稱「鷹眼石」,對應人體眉心輪,有助於助人看清事情的全貌,排除其他干擾的雜念,並且更有效率地完成事項。藍虎眼石能激發出勇氣、帶來信心、堅定信念,使人勇敢。也助於促進新陳代謝,且能夠改善呼吸道、骨骼關節問題,對常常暴飲暴食的腸胃能起到保護作用。
閃靈鑽|Herkimer Diamond 閃靈鑽石,也稱作Herkimer Diamond,是一類具有雙終端的水晶。它被稱作「淨化之石」,擁有多種益處:平衡身心靈,改善睡眠品質,減輕壓力和情緒困擾,以及淨化皮膚。這種水晶有助於清潔和平衡能量,使佩戴者能夠恢復內心的寧靜與和諧,並在日常生活中產生積極的效果。